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Post Exposure Prophylaxis Hiv Treatment


What is Pre Exposure Prophylaxis HIV?

Pre exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a treatment to prevent HIV infection if a person is at high risk of exposure to it. In this method, people take a pill each day to prevent HIV, so that when they are at a risk of being exposed to it, these medicines can prevent the virus from causing an infection.


What is Post Exposure Prophylaxis HIV Treatment?

Post exposure prophylaxis HIV treatment occurs after a single high-risk event of getting exposed to the HIV infection. In this method, post exposure prophylaxis HIV medications and 4th generation rapid HIV test in Singapore will be effective as soon as possible, at least within 72 hours of possible exposure.

4th Generation Rapid HIV Test

If you are looking for a HIV screening test or you are looking for PrEP medication or PEP medication, we can help. Medicine for post exposure prophylaxis HIV in Singapore is available here. HIV is a disease in your blood which can cause severe long term damage and even death when left untreated. We can provide you with a rapid HIV test to test your symptoms as soon as possible. The sooner we can conduct the test, the sooner we can find out the results and get you on your way to recovery.


What do we test?

An HIV test is conducted via a blood test. The test itself does not detect HIV itself, but instead helps to search your body for a protein that is found in an HIV cell or an antibody that you have produced to fight against HIV. These tests are extremely reliable and usually correct in nearly every test that we have conducted.


Testing windows

Cheaper 3rd generation test has a 4 to 12-week testing window. The more expensive 4th generation test has a 14 to 28 days window. You will know the result on the spot , by 20 minute of waiting.


Exposure Services

If you are unsure if your partners carry HIV virus ,[ this is hard to tell from external appearances since majority of HIV carrier do not have any symptoms within 5 to 10 years ] , we can provide you with , PEP, post exposure prophylaxis,  the medicine that you need to prevent the HIV virus from taking a foothold in you. Additionally, we also offer pre exposure prophylaxis HIV services to individuals who are more prone to having risky sexual exposure. By doing this, we can help you greatly decrease the chance of HIV establishing itself in the body reservoir &reduce the likelihood of you developing full blown AIDS syndrome .


How to test for HIV

The type of testing service that you use, as well as the type of test, will depend on how long you may have been exposed by HIV for. In general, signs of HIV do not show up in the blood the moment it is contracted. In general,if it ever shows some hint in terms of “conversion”,  it may take around four weeks to show any sign of infection but can take even longer than this.


If you believe that you may have been exposed to HIV within the last three days (72 hours) we can provide post exposure prophylaxis in Singapore, allowing you to stop an infection from occurring.


If your risk was recent, we always advise taking the test straight away, followed by another two to 4 weeks after your first. This second test will help to confirm your results, as well as potentially pick up any infection that was missed by the first test. If you believe that your risk was in the last three months, please let us know as this will help to determine which test we use. If you try  to test yourself, this is not guaranteed to pick up any infection you may have had in the last three months. As a result, if you believed you have been exposed, you should always choose to get tested in person.


For HIV antibody test [ 3rd generation test ],  it can take between one to three months for any antibodies in the blood to show up. This means that an HIV test can only be accurate if there have been three months between the initial test and the initial risk. However, if you receive a negative antibody result after four weeks, it is a good sign that the HIV infection has not occurred.


But if you opt for the HIV antigen test  [ 4th generation ] , the antigen can be detected between 14 to 28 days after infection.


How often should you test for HIV?

In general, we would advise that being tested at least once a year for HIV as well as any other sexually transmitted infections is best for someone who is sexually active, even if you have not put yourself at any risk. We advise this should be more regular should you have multiple sexual partners within the same year. If you believe that you are more at risk of HIV, we provide services for pre exposure prophylaxis in Singapore, which can help you to protect yourself against the infection.


Why it’s crucial that you test, all results are CONFIDENTIAL

If you are diagnosed with HIV, this means that you can start treatment as soon as possible. This helps you to maintain your health as well as prevent the spread of the virus to anyone else. The sooner your treatment starts, the less likely that you will become extremely ill. For those who spot it early, you can expect to live a normal lifespan, without any of the severe symptoms. After you have received effective treatment and the viral load is no longer detectable, the virus cannot be passed onto anyone else. You can even have condom-less sex with your partner without infecting your partner, even if your partner was never a HIV carrier before ! U=U, undetected viral load means untransmutable!


The longer you wait to have the test, the more damage the virus can do to your body. We offer a wide range of support services to help you overcome the virus and live a happy and healthy life.

Our services range from rapid HIV test in Singapore (4th generation rapid HIV test) to post exposure prophylaxis HIV treatment and Post exposure prophylaxis HIV medications. We offer immaculate treatment for post exposure prophylaxis HIV in Singapore.


Who needs HIV Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP HIV)


HIV Post Exposure Prophylaxis, commonly known as PEP, is a medical intervention following potential exposure to the HIV virus. It involves a short-term treatment regimen, typically spanning 28 days, designed to prevent HIV infection. Exposure to some risks warrants the use of PEP, they will be listed below:


  1. Occupational Exposure: Healthcare professionals or laboratory workers occasionally encounter accidental contact with HIV-infected blood or other bodily fluids. This could result from needle sticks, cuts, or direct contact between infected fluids and open wounds or mucous membranes.

  2. Sexual Exposure: If you have engaged in sexual activity with an individual who is HIV-positive or whose HIV status remains unknown, especially if the encounter involved unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex, it might be prudent to contemplate Post Exposure Prophylaxis HIV treatment in Singapore. This holds particular significance if the partner is recognized to be at a heightened risk for HIV (e.g., injection drug users).

  3. Drug Use: Sharing needles, syringes, or other paraphernalia for drug injection with an infected person or someone at risk of HIV infection necessitates the consideration of PEP.

  4. Rape or Sexual Assault Victims: In the aftermath of such traumatic events, the potential for HIV transmission may be uncertain. PEP can serve as a protective measure under such circumstances.

  5. Blood Contact: If you have been exposed to the blood of an individual known to have HIV or from an unidentified source (such as stepping on a needle), considering Post Exposure Prophylaxis HIV in Singapore is crucial.

  6. Receptive Tattooing or Piercing: If you have undergone tattooing or piercing procedures with inadequately sterilized instruments, particularly in non-professional settings, PEP might be an option if there is a risk of HIV exposure.

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  • Can you get tested for HIV anonymously?
    Yes, HIV testing can be done anonymously. You must go to a certified anonymous HIV testing facility. You will not be required to present any identification documents but instead, you will be given a number that will allow you to obtain your test results.
  • How do I tell if I have HIV?
    The only way to know if you have HIV is to get tested. The antigen/antibody blood test can detect HIV after 18 to 45 days of exposure, while the Nucleic Acid Test (NAT) can detect the virus after 10 to 33 days of exposure.
  • What is the window period for the 4th generation HIV test?
    The 4th generation HIV test has a window period of 13 to 24 days. Although it takes a little longer, almost all HIV-positive patients are identified within 44 days of exposure
  • How accurate is the 4th generation HIV test?
    Given that the 4th generation HIV test is performed after the 6th week of exposure, it has a 100% accuracy rate. Tests conducted within four weeks of exposure are 95% accurate. For 100% accurate results, you will need to be tested again in 3 weeks.
  • What is the 4th generation HIV test?
    Both HIV antibodies and p24 antigens are detected by the 4th generation HIV test. This enables it to detect the virus with 95% accuracy after 4 weeks of exposure, which was not possible with previous generation tests.
  • What drugs are used for post exposure prophylaxis HIV?
    Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) is a combination of 3 drugs that are administered following HIV exposure. Tenofovir and Emtricitabine are combined in a single capsule and Raltegravir or Dolutegravir are available separately. These will be prescribed by your doctor once or twice a day for 24 days.
  • What is the success rate of PEP?
    The PEP drug for HIV has an 80% success rate when started early and used consistently and correctly.
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