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Immunization form for foreign born child

We Provide Immunization Form service for foreign child.


从2019年2月一日起,所有在新加坡地区以外出生的12岁以下的孩子如需办理在新加坡的长期居留准证比如:Student pass(学生证),Long term visit pass(长期探访准证),Depend pass(家属准证),必须先向新加坡疫苗局提供疫苗注射的证明,得到批准后方可进行下一步的相关准证申请。 其中必须注射的疫苗:白喉(diphtheria)和麻疹(measles)是一定要按照新加坡的时间标准 来进行严格注射的,不然则视为无效

With effect from 1st February 2019, Ministry of Health (MOH) Singapore has passed a new regulation for foreign children who are not born in SINGAPORE. The regulation states that all children must be vaccinated against diphtheria and measles and seek the approval of immunization registry before applying for student pass, long-term visit pass, or dependant’s pass. Moreover, these vaccinations should be completed within a specific timeframe otherwise it will not be considered as valid.

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