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Vaccination Services For Kids

If you have recently had a baby, or your baby is starting to grow up, it is imperative that they have the infections they need to survive the early years of their life. We offer kids vaccination in Singapore, as well as vaccination for baby too. Whilst your baby or child grows up, there are a number of infectious diseases that can endanger them, as well as cause long-lasting damage to their health- consequences that will often last a lifetime. Your child’s immune system will need help to fight against such disease. By providing your baby with a vaccination, you can help provide them with protection against these diseases. Our vaccines help to stimulate your baby’s body to develop antibodies that help against the infection, ensuring that your baby is immune to developing the full symptoms. This prevents the development of such diseases and allows your baby or child to run around free of risk.


Why childhood immunisation is important?

Immunisation prepares the body to fight serious infections that have the potential to develop in the future. In general, young babies are extremely vulnerable to infections and as a result, they must be protected from them as soon as possible. To become fully protected, your child will require several different vaccines in order to be protected, most of which can be completed in a single vaccination.

Consequences of a child not having a vaccination

Due to the fact that most children in Singapore have been immunised, many infectious diseases have disappeared in the area. Whilst this does significantly decrease the likelihood of your child catching anything, it does not make them immune. In many countries all around the world, thousands of children die due to infectious diseases.


When your baby is not vaccinated they are at a much greater risk of catching an infectious disease. Such diseases include polio, measles, mumps and flu. They have a wide number of complications which are usually carried with the child for the rest of their lives. In some circumstances, death can occur. 

National Childhood Immunisation Schedule (NCIS)
(from birth to age 17 years, effective from 1 November 2020)

National Childhood Immunisation Schedule
  • D1, D2, D3: Dose 1, dose 2, dose 3

  • B1, B2: Booster 1, booster 2

  • 10-11, 12-13, 13-14 years: Primary 5, Secondary 1, Secondary 2 (Tdap, IPV, HPV (for females) and MMR (as catch-up) vaccines are provided as part of Health Promotion Board’s school-based vaccination programme)

  • HepB: Doses 2 and 3 are recommended to be given as part of the 6-in-1 vaccine at 2 and 6 months, respectively

  • MMR: Only the dose 2 is recommended to be given as part of the MMRV vaccine

Our Services

Our vaccination services are specially designed to provide your baby or child with a complete immunisation from all infectious diseases at an early age, strengthening their bodies for them to thrive. We understand that having your baby vaccinated can be a stressful experience for you as a parent as well as your baby. We take this into consideration and ensure that you are both as comfortable as possible during the whole process. Our medical professionals have years of experience providing injections, ensuring that they can efficiently provide the injection in a single go, limiting the stress you and your little one must go through.

Here are some of the injections that we offer:

  • Flu

  • Diphtheria (D)

  • Tetanus (T)

  • Pertussis (also known as whooping cough, P)

  • Polio (IPV)

  • Haemophilusinfluenzae type b (Hib)

  • Hepatitis B

  • Measles

  • Mumps

  • Rubella

  • Meningococcal disease (groups A, C, W and Y)

  • Meningococcal disease (group B)

  • Pneumococcal infection (PCV)

  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)

How do we administer vaccines?

Most vaccines are given to your baby or child through an injection. In general, this is completed by a single injection over the first few months of their life.  Each vaccine will be provided in the safest conditions possible, ensuring that both you and your little one feel as comfortable as possible throughout the process. If you have any questions during this process, please ask a member of our friendly team. They will try their best to provide you with any answers you need, ensuring your experience is nothing but flawless.

Vaccination For Baby In Singapore

When it comes to vaccination for kids in Singapore, you should know that there are a few mandatory kids' vaccinations in Singapore by law. Compulsory vaccination for babies in Singapore is for Diphtheria and Measles. Both the vaccines have a set primary and booster course with a schedule,for vaccination for baby in Singapore.

You can consult a baby vaccination doctor in Singapore for the compulsory vaccination for babies in Singapore. It is required by the law and its also crucial for your kid's safety.


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  • Can you get tested for HIV anonymously?
    Yes, HIV testing can be done anonymously. You must go to a certified anonymous HIV testing facility. You will not be required to present any identification documents but instead, you will be given a number that will allow you to obtain your test results.
  • How do I tell if I have HIV?
    The only way to know if you have HIV is to get tested. The antigen/antibody blood test can detect HIV after 18 to 45 days of exposure, while the Nucleic Acid Test (NAT) can detect the virus after 10 to 33 days of exposure.
  • What is the window period for the 4th generation HIV test?
    The 4th generation HIV test has a window period of 13 to 24 days. Although it takes a little longer, almost all HIV-positive patients are identified within 44 days of exposure
  • How accurate is the 4th generation HIV test?
    Given that the 4th generation HIV test is performed after the 6th week of exposure, it has a 100% accuracy rate. Tests conducted within four weeks of exposure are 95% accurate. For 100% accurate results, you will need to be tested again in 3 weeks.
  • What is the 4th generation HIV test?
    Both HIV antibodies and p24 antigens are detected by the 4th generation HIV test. This enables it to detect the virus with 95% accuracy after 4 weeks of exposure, which was not possible with previous generation tests.
  • What drugs are used for post exposure prophylaxis HIV?
    Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) is a combination of 3 drugs that are administered following HIV exposure. Tenofovir and Emtricitabine are combined in a single capsule and Raltegravir or Dolutegravir are available separately. These will be prescribed by your doctor once or twice a day for 24 days.
  • What is the success rate of PEP?
    The PEP drug for HIV has an 80% success rate when started early and used consistently and correctly.
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