Do you wish to do a job in Singapore? For foreigner workers who wish to work in certain sectors in Singapore, they require work-permit check-up as it will show if they are fit for that particular job or not. The criteria for medical fitness are not the same for every job. The work permit will only be issued if the medical exam is passed. The importance of passing the medical exam is to ensure the worker is free of any illness and will not endanger their own lives or the lives of others working around them.
If you have suffered from an illness lately or recovered from an injury and you are considering getting your check-up done in order to apply for jobs, you can visit our work permit check-up clinic. We will check for your symptoms and ensure that you are not facing any underlying medical conditions that may affect your work.

What Is The Procedure To Apply For A Work Permit Renewal Medical Check-Up?
The procedure is easy, and you must complete it as soon as possible as you wouldn't want to miss the job opportunity.
For registration, the foreign worker must provide a worker's passport with the necessary forms and a Medical Form. Apart from the documents, cash payments must be made. After the registration form is submitted the foreigner worker will wait until the process is completed.
The worker will be registered in a work permit check up clinic, and he will be taken there to get his medical check-up done.
The medical check-up requirement is different for each job, and once the worker arrives at the work permit check-up clinic he will be tested according to his requirements. The whole process of medical check-ups takes 30-60 minutes.
Mostly the series of tests are done for all foreign workers, such as eyesight tests, blood pressure monitoring, weight, height, sugar tests, and albumin levels.
For instance, if a foreign worker is applying for the category of Driver, Electrician, or other such jobs, then the tests conducted will be related to vision. In this test, the worker will be shown various colorful images and he will have to identify correctly to pass the test.
If the worker is not able to pass the tests, the whole procedure will be stopped here, and there will not be any further proceedings.
Medical History
Once the tests are cleared, the work permit foreigner worker will be asked about his medical history. It will involve asking a series of questions related to his health.
Physical Examination
Throughout the measurements, a full-time doctor will assist in a physical examination and supervise nurses as they continue to do measurements. All this ensures quality work and eliminates chances of errors.
Chest x-ray [ Available Nearby, not Inside Clinic]
The work permit foreign worker will proceed for a chest x-ray at his own time. Inside the x-ray room, the worker will be properly positioned so that the chest x-ray could be taken by a radiographer.
Ask the worker to hold is breathe for few seconds, so the lungs are filled with air, and give accurate x-ray imaging. It is a quick process and doesn't take much time.
Blood Tests
Collecting blood samples of a work permit foreign worker is the final step. The nurse will collect the blood sample and fill a couple of tubes with blood so that it is enough to carry out all the tests required. The sample is then tested for HIV, Malaria, and other such diseases. After the blood is taken, the worker is allowed to leave the clinic and wait till the reports come.
Why Choose Us?
Do you want to apply for a work permit in Singapore and is looking for a clinic with that service? If you are in search of a medical check-up, we guarantee to help you.
We are able to carry out a wide range of work permit medical check-ups. Our staff is highly qualified and trained to carry out all the tests. You will be satisfied to see how we work.
Visit us to get a work permit renewal medical check up. Keeping in mind your urgent need to get a check-up, we promise to provide it as soon as we can. You can pick the results from our clinic, or we could deliver it to your doorstep. [ with a fee]